2006 Milblog Conference
REMINDER: PRE-REGISTRATION FOR MILBLOGGERS AND MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY (ACTIVE OR VETERAN) STARTS AT 10:00AM EST THIS MORNING. REGISTRATION FOR ALL OTHERS STARTS IN ONE WEEK. GO HERE TO REGISTER. (oh, and here's a helpful hint... only hit the "Submit Form" button once... you will not get a confirmation response... just check the "Conference Registrants" list to see if you're registered -- that list updates almost immediately! The multiple registrations will be corrected.)
Back in late 2004 when I began to toy with the idea of keeping a web log on my experiences as a mother with a son at war, I can’t say that I had ever even heard the term “milblog” or even its extended “military blog”. Since December 2004, I have been privileged to become a part of the world of milblogs and a member of the milblog community. Other milbloggers and those that read their work have been my supporters, my cheerleaders and my friends. I have been thrilled to meet a few… and now I hope to meet many more at The 2006 Milblog Conference (the brainchild and hard work of Andi at Andi’s World). I'll be serving on the "Milblogging Family Style" panel!

The 2006 Milblog Conference
APRIL 22, 2006, Washington, DC
The 2006 Milblog Conference is designed to bring milbloggers together for one full day of interesting discussion on topics associated with milblogging, and will explore the history of milblogs, as well as what the future may hold for this medium which the military community is using to tell their stories.
The milblog community is diverse, and we intend to showcase the full spectrum of milblogs, including those who have blogged from theater, veteran members of the armed forces, spouses and parents.
Due to seating limitations only 300 seats can be guaranteed. Non-milbloggers and non-bloggers are welcome to attend the conference, but because this conference is for milbloggers, milbloggers will be allowed to pre-register: 150 seats are reserved for milbloggers who wish to attend. Any unclaimed milblog seats will be released to non-milbloggers and the public.
Registration for this event is free of charge. Pre-registration will begin on February 8 and continue through midnight February 15. Any slots not filled by milbloggers will be given to the general public. Registration for the public will begin on February 16. All registrations are first-come, first-serve.
For our troops and others who are unable to attend the event, live video feed of the conference will be available so that you can log-on and watch the conference from any location worldwide.
Hearty thanks to the Departmental Network of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, who have graciously donated time and resources to this conference and have been invaluable to this effort. The VFW designed the conference site, are hosting it and will be running the video feed.
SO GET ON OVER AND SIGN UP RIGHT AWAY (starting the 8th)!!! Details at the 2006 Milblog Conference Website: HERE
The conference is not sponsored, sanctioned, censored by, or in any way affiliated with the Department of Defense.
I am already excited. Just waiting to register on Wednesday, before I make my reservations.
You should be prepared for a ginormous bear hug from this gal...and, if I can swing it, some world famous chocolate chip cookies to boot! :)
This will be so fun!
If I'm still in the area I'd love to buy you dinner that weekend, or at least a drink.
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