Monday, May 01, 2006


I thought I was pretty staunch about illegal immigration reform until this past winter when the 25 year old son of a friend -- a veteran -- lost his job to an illegal alien who was willing to work landscaping for 1/2 the going wage, with no overtime, no benefits. And when he couldn't find another job, he went to welfare and was told that he was a white, American-born, English speaking male, without ten kids to support -- AND HE DIDN"T QUALIFY. That young man just about starved to death this winter. So much for taking jobs Americans don't want. This incident made me unwavering. And as long as illegals will work for "nothing" they will remain second class, uneducated and poor in America.
From an American citizen whose grandparents and great gandparents were immigrants -- LEGAL immigrants -- who is tired of illegal immigrants (forget that "undocumented worker" crap) tell us that they are entitled to be here:





Everyone keeps complaining that it would be too costly to deport 11+ million illegals. I say, they got here on their own and at their own expense and they can leave the same way. Why should American citizens and LEGAL immigrants pay for illegal behavior? Give them 90 or 180 days to get their affairs in order -- including documentation from American employers -- and go home. Then you are ENTITLED to put your name on a list and ASK PERMISSION to come and live and work in America. You can live in the country of your birth until background and health checks are conducted. Those that held jobs here would have priority to return. If you are illegal and are caught in the U.S. after the 90 day period, you get your butt deported and your name on a list that you can NEVER seek residency or a work permit here.
I feel strongly about this. No amnesty. No special treatment because they broke the law. And I don't care how long ago you broke the law and how many kids you've popped while you were here. No more free schooling. No more free medical benefits. No more free welfare. No more signs in Spanish. Learn English, and I don't think I should have to pay for it. No one taught my grandparents English in schools when they came here as adults nor did anyone offer lessons in schools. They had other immigrants that spoke English teach them on their own time at their own expense. It's the price -- and the priviledge -- of being in America.
Yes, immigration must be reformed -- but only immigration enforcement. Enforce the laws we have now and BUILD THE WALL. When that is done, we can talk "reform".
Now, I'm going out shopping and spending like there is no tomorrow! Boycott my a$$. This is MY little demonstration in support of OUR immigration laws. You don't like those laws? LEAVE. THERE'S THE DOOR. ADIOS.
Copyright 2006 Some Soldier's Mom. All rights reserved.


At 5/01/2006 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm doing the same thing! Have urged all at work to do so. They're planning to "shop 'til they drop". The lines should be a lot shorter, which is a plus! :)

At 5/01/2006 12:48 PM , Blogger Stacy said...

I too plan on doing just the same. Was sick all weekend with this crud, so it is a must that I shop today.

At 5/01/2006 6:42 PM , Blogger Patricia said...

AMEN! No one could have said it better KUDOS to you!!!! This should be printed in every major newspaper in the country!!!


At 5/01/2006 6:55 PM , Blogger kbug said...

Right on!! You go Some Soldiers Mom. Those are my sentiments to a T. I'm so sick of the demands and the cr*p...

At 5/01/2006 7:32 PM , Blogger Melinda said...

I made a donation to the Minuteman Project today for one of my expenses today. :)

The Congress can debate all the live long day on what to do, but for today, they could secure the borders and go from there.


At 5/02/2006 3:44 PM , Blogger Some Soldier's Mom said...

no, -K, that was my point. Why should WE have to pay for their deportation? They pay for themselves to leave if they ever want a chance to come back legally. If they don't go, then we deport them and they NEVER get a chance to come back. Ever. Build the wall already! It's our only hope. And if we have to, man the wall with people with guns -- I'll be the first to sign up. And I'll bring my own guns.

At 5/02/2006 5:55 PM , Blogger StoicMom said...

Come one, Soldier Mom. Tell us how you really feel. Don't beat around the bush.

BTW, I didn't notice the country come to a grinding halt yesterday. You might be on to something.

At 5/02/2006 9:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was the big joke. My dad worked in construction, and when the illegal aliens had a holiday or celebration back "home", they'd make it a point to get "caught" so they'd have a free ride back home. Then they'd show up the next week back to work. We've made it ridiculously easy for them to continue the ILLEGAL activity.

At 5/03/2006 8:13 AM , Blogger David M said...


At 5/05/2006 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go Sissy! Tell 'em like it is--I'm right behind ya.......

At 5/07/2006 9:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ggicvKeep the message out for the rational people of America. The politicians don't care what happens to the average American as long as they(the politicians ) can line their pockets no matter what the cost. ( It's not their money they are spending.)

At 5/30/2006 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants/invaders do have some rights.
2, to be exact.
The right to remain silent.
And the right to an attorney.
Just like every other criminal.

At 6/19/2006 9:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wondering what happened to the person (most likely American citezen) who hired the illegal worker. did they get arrested and sanctioned to never be able to own another business? they did, after all, break the law. they also showed intent to break it in the future (no overtime/benefits).

maybe if we take the top down approach we could be more effective. however, that would entail busting a few rich white people instead of numerous people of color, so nevermind-won't happen! you guys are not only rude, but unrealistic and think in a very uncritical manner! it is entertaining, though; keep it up!

At 6/19/2006 9:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wondering what happened to the person (most likely American citezen) who hired the illegal worker. did they get arrested and sanctioned to never be able to own another business? they did, after all, break the law. they also showed intent to break it in the future (no overtime/benefits).

maybe if we take the top down approach we could be more effective. however, that would entail busting a few rich white people instead of numerous people of color, so nevermind-won't happen! you guys are not only rude, but unrealistic and think in a very uncritical manner! it is entertaining, though; keep it up!

At 6/19/2006 10:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

although i misspelled "citizen", i would like to say one more thing: judging by your writing, it looks like many of you could use an english lesson, yourselves. there's so many glaring grammatical (not counting spelling) errors. keep making fun of those who don't speak english yet, that's fine. i'll just make fun of you guys because you have learnt (yes, that's the correct usage of learn, in this case) it for decades, and can still barely construct complete sentences!


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