A Soldier's Funeral

Holding her husband's flag, Mykel Byrd kisses his coffin. Tommy Byrd's funeral took place at the Central Church of the Nazarene, with burial at Evergreen Cemetery & Memorial Park. In background is Noah P., who served with Byrd in Iraq.
This picture fills the entire front page of today's Tucson (AZ) paper the Arizona Daily Star. I will post more about Tommy Byrd's funeral when we're home. We are very proud of Noah... the paper did a good job on the story and there are more photos on the web page.
You have been on my mind so much yesterday and today. I spent almost 4 hours at the field of flags again today. Also picked up flag for Noah, and will mail it off to you next week.
I know that you are so proud of Noah. There are no words that I could to say to this family to make them feel any better. My prayers are with them and Your family.
My heart is breaking...
God Bless.
There are no words to make this family feel any better, but they are definately in my thoughts and prayers. No family should have to go through such a tragedy.
I've been thinking about all of you and read the newspaper story with a very heavy heart. What a wonderful tribute to such an honorable young man...I feel like writing the newspaper reporter to thank her for doing such a nice job.
The photos broke my heart. Noah had a tremendously hard job to do. He did it with dignity and respectfulness far beyond his years. I'm sure his friend appreciates the time he took and the ways in which he was able to help the young Mrs. Byrd.
This picture made me cry.... those of us with soldiers currently in Iraq pray everyday that we aren't the ones kissing a coffin and you are right.. there are no words.
God bless you and don't feel guilty that Noah "made it". We can never understand the randomness of war. We can only be thankful for our own blessings and try to have empathy for the losses of others, Sher
I think about Noah everyday, and I pray for him, and those who surround him...for whatever he needs, because I have no idea how ya'll are even doing it.
I stopped by the other day, and looked breifly at the picture, it was too hard so I clicked. That poor woman.... Well I am here again tonight, and noted Noah in the back, something I hadn't noted the other day.
Thank you for posting this. Made me count my blessings....and I will hug my husband harder when I see him.
I've been told that I'm a good man with words, but I just can't come up with any that make sense right now.
May God comfort the hearts of those who have placed so great a sacrifice on the altar of freedom. May they always know the thanksfulness of a grateful nation, and cherish the memories of those left behind.
God help our troops!
Semper Fi,
Bob Perrow
A touching photo. Praying for your family and those of all our soldiers here or in heaven!
Churchill said it best, "Never have so many owed so much to so few." I beleive there is a special place in heaven for the heros like Tommy.
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