An Early Christmas Gift...
For Christmas 2004, Noah came just weeks before his deployment in OIF3. He couldn't be with us last Christmas as he was working at Fort Benning after being returned to duty after his wounding and was preparing for the return of his unit (Our Guys) early in '06. We were particularly pleased that he could spend this Christmas with us as he is slated to return to the battlefield in '07...
So Noah arrived from Ft Benning safe and sound to spend Christmas with us... and he brought along an early Christmas present... his new wife, M!

So one "old" son, one new daughter!
And this is for Sean and Heather... snow here in Northern Arizona... just enough to give us the hope of a white Christmas in the pines (it will warm this afternoon and be gone, but it sure is pretty while it lasts!)

Congratulations to you all!!! God bless you, Noah and M. May you find love, joy, peace, and happiness with each other for many day at a time.
SSM, we had one inch of snow down here in Bisbee this past Tuesday. Still have a little in my yard. It's been COLD...brrrr. Happy holidays to everyone.y
May your Holiday bring you peace ...and happiness...
Enjoy Noah and his new Bride ...
I am so glad that he was able to be home with family at Christmas this year. Congratulations to the new addition to the family. Enjoy your visit, and please wish DH and your family a very Merry Christmas for all of us.
Congratulations and wishing Noah and his bride God's blessings.
SSM I did not know Noah was thinking about marriage. What a surprise!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Merry Christmas!! Glad to see that you and yours is doing good. Look forward to coming home and seeing the snow in person:)
Thanks so much for the beautiful photo of the snow as we have had ZILCH the closer we move to Christmas. Today is sunny & bright, a wee bit chilly, but certainly not what we're used to at this time of year in this part of the country.
Congratulations on the addition to your family & best wishes to them.
Wow! I hadn't read that Noah was thinking about marriage either, although I do remember brief mentionings of M in the past. Congrats to the whole family! Enjoy them while they are home. Hope your Christmas was wonderful and your New Year great too!
And let it be known that I do miss you here. Glad to see your post.
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