color: SOME SOLDIER'S MOM: To the Mothers of Iraq

Sunday, May 08, 2005

To the Mothers of Iraq

Here in the United States, today is Mother’s Day – a day set aside to honor mothers. Today, I also honor the mothers of Iraq. Please believe me when I say that the mothers in America are with you – even if we cannot be there in person to support you, we are there. We cry for your lost children. Our hearts ache for you… we can only imagine your horror and your grief… we grieve with you. We share in your hope of a brighter tomorrow for your children.

We have sent our sons and daughters to help you. We would rather they were here with us, but we accept that they have a larger mission. We want for you and your children what our children are working towards: a free and safe Iraq.

We want your children…

to have the chance to grow in a place free from terrorists and terrorism… to walk in their country without the dread of being caught in a gun battle or under the wheels of a car laden with explosives… to laugh and play and not worry whether a plane or car will explode and their parents taken… to be able to live without fear.

to be able to practice their religion – any religion or no religion – without interference or discrimination by government or other religions.

to have the right to elect their government… and to change their government by their vote... and to have the right to criticize their government without fear of retaliation.

to be assured of justice in the courts… and be free of the fear of unwarranted prosecution… and unjustified arrest or punishment.

to have the opportunity and the right to an education, to employment, to discover and to grow into responsible citizens of the world.

to live in peace.

to have wonderful lives… to love, to be happy, to prosper, and to grow old.

The mothers of America salute the mothers of Iraq. For their faith, for their courage. Together we mothers really can change the world.
And to all the other military moms out there -- past and present -- I salute you! and thank you for YOUR service.
Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.


At 5/08/2005 1:50 PM , Blogger Call Me Grandma said...

Great post as usual.
I believe that all the mothers, of the world, need to unit. What mother in her right mind, would want her son or daughter to be a suicide bomber.
I do ache for the mothers who have lost their children to this war, and I hurt for the children that have been left orphan because of it.
If I had one wish, it would be to make the world a place that only knows peace. No more hatred.
May God bless the mothers of the world

At 5/09/2005 12:42 PM , Blogger Sean Dustman said...

Happy belated Mother's day! Hope yours was the best!

At 5/09/2005 10:37 PM , Blogger moehawk said...

very touching, and well written.


At 5/10/2005 1:01 AM , Blogger devildog6771 said...

A beautiful tribute. Sure would be nice if the Iraqi women and Afghan women got to read it!!

At 5/10/2005 3:18 AM , Blogger DangerGirl said...

I wish I had seen this earlier...what an evocative beautiful tribute to the Mom's in Iraq from a Mom with her son in Iraq.

Mothers Day may have passed on the calander, but the love I feel for my mom and all moms, especially Military mom's remains in my heart forever.

Be well!

At 5/10/2005 4:56 AM , Blogger neurotic_wife said...

Thanx Soldier's mom for your great words. We Iraqis wish you all the best too, and we pray for all your children together with ours to pass these difficult times together and for their safe return to you. God bless them all

At 5/10/2005 2:40 PM , Blogger Pamela Ellis said...

Thanks for some thoughts shared by many. I have never been here before but I will save and read often. I have been directed by a link on the Nerotic Iraqi Wife blog. Thank you again and I look forward to visiting again.

Pam Ellis - Proud Mother of a U.S. Marine.

At 5/11/2005 7:31 AM , Blogger SRH said...

Funny thing about Mother's Day,the modern version of the holiday wasn't originally a Hallmark Holiday. The holiday was an activist movement by Mother's of, I think, soldiers fighting in WWI (my dates on this could be off). It is good to see this tribute to the Iraqi Mothers. It is good to see that the spirit of the original holiday still remains.

So Happy Belated Mother's Day, I hope all sopns and daughters can be safe and home soon.

At 11/11/2008 5:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's November, and I'm sitting in my livingroom alone, watching TV, preparing to go about my daily chores...I suddenly have become very sad, and find myself bursting into tears. My life is so blessed, I have 3 amazing children and 4 grandchildren. My husband is my rock, yet at times the emptiness overtakes me. I have a strong belief and faith in God, and usually I trust that he will handle everything in my life, yet I miss my son SO much. He's 27 years old, and he is about to spend his 3rd Thanksgiving and Christmas in Iraq. It just seems so unfair to me. Who is this damn war really benefiting? 3 Christmas's without him! I think about how lonely he must be without his has he changed? Does he miss us? What does he think about and do? I'm sick of it, and I want him to come home. I try not to be angry, I try not to be sad...but today is the day that I'm allowing these feelings to surface, it happens from time to time, and I don't discuss this with anyone, because I can't make everyone else sad. So, I'm leaving it up to you to listen...and I appreciate you doing so.


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