Thursday's Child Has Far To Go.
Well, 7:00AM our son called from Iraq (that's a "far to go"). Just a wonder what hearing his voice can do for us! Makes the whole day start off well!
He has been involved in a lot of missions the last few days... in the area where a number of U.S. Marines were killed yesterday. He says that the "cool off" to 110 from 130 degrees is negligible when you're wearing what they wear and carrying what they carry... they sweat from the minute they walk outside. The other day he served as an assistant gunner and was carrying an extra 60 pounds in a backpack with ammo, a tripod and some other piece of equipment for a .240 Saw? (gun) and they were crawling and scampering over rooftops... Not sure I have all the terminology correct, but that's it in essence...
They are doing a lot of cordon and search in the area and he says they have been walking at least 10 miles a day (more of that "far to go") (and so much to that idiot over at Blackfive's site ( a few weeks ago that thought the Army's emphasis on physical conditioning was lunacy - HAH!).
He tells me the story of a very young Iraqi Army soldier that was hit by a sniper yesterday and may have to have his arm amputated...
His camp is under near constant mortar attack and one missed him this morning by 20 yards on his way out of the barracks... and they do shoot back almost immediately and they get the shooter about 90% of the time but there never seems to be an end to the bastards... like cockroaches out a hole he says... but eventually he says they'll get them all (hopefully, not too "far to go").
His feet are in bad shape from all the walking, sweat and sand and can we please send at least a dozen pairs of socks... and he names a brand... He's gotten one or two other packages, but not his boots, rank, fan or more cigs... but they're coming we insist. He asks if we've sent food and we list all the canned goods making its way to him...
We talk about the best use of his saved money... He talks about what vehicle we should keep our eyes out for... we assure him that there are plenty of those around... He talks again about what he's going to do with his life after the Army and whether he thinks he'll get stop-lossed with another deployment... and where he's going to live and what kind of job he can get... He can be such a worrywort! I list all the people besides Dad and me that will be there for him and places he can live and work... I list the six aunts and five uncles in five states that would adore having him there if he doesn't go to school here (lots of "far to go" places). We tell him he has plenty of time to plan when he gets back to the States (more of that "far to go")...
And I want to reach out and put my arm around his shoulders and tell him it will all be fine, but it's so "far to go" until I can hold my Thursday's child and the best I can do is tell him not to worry, Dad and I will be here for him... and how much we love him. And then it's time to go... he has to get ready for a mission.

Not too much blogging gonna happen over the next week. This fabulous and brilliant (newly-married) daughter is visiting for a few days before she starts medical school -- and we are just gonna be too busy relaxing and shopping and eating to blog much... and then I'm off to Colorado to help a younger sister and her family unpack from a move from one of the two coasts...
Have a wonderful week. Remember our troops in all your acts and deeds... and in your prayers.
Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.
You have a gorgeous family! Glad you heard from your son...I'm holding him in my thoughts "all of the days" (as my daughter puts it). I've heard some good things about certain brands of socks--hoping he finds a brand that works for him.
{{Hugs}} and enjoy your time with your absolutely stunning daughter! Wish her luck for me as she heads off to med. school. She can return the favor when I head to law school next spring. (wink)
What a great day you must have had. Just hearing their voices can really make a huge difference in how our days go. I have had your guys in my thoughts so much lately. I am a huge worrier, and as my son is in a much safer place, I am thankful for that, but I still worry about all the other soldier that are in harms way.
Enjoy your daughter, and ya'll don't buy out all the stores. Wish her luck in med school for me. Hope you have a wonderful visit with her. I will keep checking back, just in case you here from the boys.
What a great and supportive mom you are for your kids. I wish your daughter success and happiness. I pray for for your sons safe and peaceful return. As a mom myself, it seems to me you are a rich woman.
Glad that I found your blog. Sounds like your son is very near my soldier boy. And he was born on Thursday too. Praying for them all.
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