Specialist Timothy Watkins

"His executive officers tell me he would invite others to go to church with him any Sunday he wasn't on a mission," he said.
His faith was his passion, and he was fervent even in the midst of war. People were drawn to that, his father said.
His other passion was learning to fly. That was among the reasons he decided to join the military, Rob Watkins said. He had wanted to fly helicopters.
But he was equally passionate about serving and helping the people of Iraq, Rob Watkins said.
The young man had been passionate about his beliefs since childhood, his father said. He was converted to Christianity at age 5. He carried that through his entire life.
Tim Watkins was heavily involved in the church, taking part in school theatrical productions and working with children at Ironwood Christian Camp in Newberry Springs.
He was part of the ministry of Pacific Baptist College in Pomona and sang with a worship group.
"Tim died for a great cause, and we're proud of him," Rob Watkins said. "We miss him terribly. I'm just thankful for assurances we'll be together again."
hi mom... sorry I haven't talked to you in a while... thanks for all the packages... let me know if there's anything I can do for ya... Mom, tell Noah he has my deepest condolences...
Lee Agnew (drums, backing vocals)
Pete Agnew (bass and vocals)
My big bro, me, Pete, DH
I called a younger sister just as the concert began and she and her two boys got on the phone just so they could feel like they were there with us (my 15 year old nephew is a HUGE fan --
Dan McCafferty (vocals and the bagpipes)
and all on his own and not because his ma is a fan and a friend!) We all can't wait to see the guys (Scottish) again... although they have such a heavy touring schedule for the next 11 months in Europe we just might have to go there to see them!! Hey -- sounds like a family road trip to me!!
Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1. See my sons and daughter all grown (just about there) and happy (we're getting close), with happy marriages (one down, 3 to go!) and wonderful children of their own.
2. Have great-great grandchildren.
3. Win BIG at a casino or lottery.
4. Give back more than I got.
5. Spend a month or more traveling in Australia.
6. Publish some of my writings.
7. Learn to use a sewing machine.
Seven things I can do:
1. Cook and bake.
2. Garden.
3. Love completely.
4. Play baseball/softball.
5. Write.
6. Worry (about my children, my kidz, my Guys, my siblings, my DH...)
7. Plan and conduct shareholders' meetings for any size corporation.
Seven things I cannot do:
1. Use a sewing machine.
2. Knit.
3. Fly a plane.
4. Golf.
5. Cheer for the Boston Red Sox (sorry to Andi's DH).
6. Watch golf on TV.
7. Imagine a day without my DH
Seven things I say a lot:
1. I love you.
2. Honey, can you come here a minute?
3. Whohoo!!
4. I can't think of anything to write.
5. I'll do it tomorrow.
6. I have to clean this house.
7. Dang!
Seven things I find attractive in a male:
1. Intelligence.
2. A strong laugh.
3. Caring/compassion.
4. Straight carriage (good posture) and a good body.
5. Good manners.
6. Grace.
7. Good grammar.
Seven celebrity crushes (and not in any order -- just as they came to mind)
1. Sean Connery.
2. Tommy Lee Jones.
3. Toby Keith.
4. Matthew McConoughey
5. Bruce Willis
6. Will Smith
7. Liam Neeson
Seven people who have nothing better to do than to get tagged... I can't think of anyone... but if I do, I'll let ya know...